20 February 2009


well, folks, on saturday, p-man and i will be consuming the final beer in our "around the world in 80 beers" beer club at phileas. we've saved the best for last -

Best Belgian and French beer

Price Category:............Specialty, Import
Beer Style:....................Golden Ale
Alcohol by Volume:......13% (yowza!)
Characteristics:............Complex, smooth, almost fluffy, starting candyish, with peppery alcohol flavors finishing surprisingly dry

05 February 2009

here come the troops!

so excited....southwest DING fares have prompted an influx of visitors in march! patty, followed by craig and spud...so excited!

04 February 2009

this one's for you...

...mark. post post post post about nothing nothing nothing.


03 February 2009

maybe i shouldn't blog

why? because i never have anything good to say. pretty much everything i have to say, i say on FB, so why bother repeating? at first, thought it would give me something to do, but really, i don't need another social networking site, or the like, to keep up. but yet, i love my blog. it contains virtually nothing, but i love its existence. primarily because i think the name "guitarley" is cool. props to p-man for that one.

update? not really. francis and chester are still hanging in there...despite humidity and temperature inconsistencies.

i am currently watching a show about autistic savant identical twins who, among other things, are infatuated with $100,000 pyramid. this is mildly entertaining. i wish i was that smart.

and i wish i had made something better for dinner. something better than 4-day old leftover pizza from brickoven. it was tasty on day 0, but on day 5, not so much.

i should spend a little less time on PPM, too.

one of these days, if i ever figure out if anyone actually reads this, maybe i'll write more. until then, you all (and by all i mean, all 1 of you), get this mindless dribble. :D