30 May 2009

Mikey update - Sat 5/30 10:07am PST

Hi All,
Sorry for not getting out an update last night. Mike really improved yesterday. He was taken off the morphine, and is now on a pill for pain every 4 hours (note: we later learned from Mike that it is Norco - but that's not confirmed). He is still getting breathing treatments and stayed off of the O2 for a long period yesterday. He did eventually go back on the supplemental oxygen as the oxygen level in his blood is running a little low.

Earlier yesterday, he walked all the way to the hall and back, and then a second time and got in a wheelchair. He was taken down to the first level and then outside so he could spend a little time with his dachshund, Virgo, who came to visit, but wasn't allowed in the room. Mike's Dad also reported that he witnessed Mike get up and user the walker quickly to get into the bathroom, which was "unbelievable considering that he could hardly stand up three days ago". The Physical Therapist and Occupational Therapist will continue to work with him to get him out of the hospital ASAP (which we now know will be today!).

His appetite is definitely back. He ate some pizza from Lou Malnati's with his family last night. [Note: his entire immediate family is now there - Dave, Ruth, Jenny, and Bill). He had a large crowd of visitors, including Linda and Andrea Kirch, Sean Murphy, Tony, Brownie (Matt Brown), Bree Snyder, Wayne Krempach (Mr Karaoke!), Mark and Becky Melsa, along with the entire Melsa clan - Caroline, Liam, Daniel, Abby, and Joshua.

Dave and the entire family would like to thank everyone for so much positive thoughts and prayers, they were and are very helpful. They would also like to thank Father George for the special mass yesterday in Tampa, FL.

On another note...Pat & I talked to Mike last night as well. We did call once earlier in the evening, but there were so many people in the room, we decided to call back later when it was a little quieter in the room. We talked to Mike around 930pm PST, and he was definitely awake and coherent. He told us about his activities of the day, including going outside to see Virgo, and getting to the bathroom. For the first time, he never once mentioned any pain. That's not to say he wasn't having any, because I'm sure there is still pain there, but it didn't seem to be overwhelming at that time. We had some funny stories to share from our dinner (for one, Pat & I went to Olive Garden, and on the way out, Pat dropped my leftover ravioli all over his arm, my foot, his foot, my pants, the sidewalk - grrr!) Mike got a real good laugh outta that! We spent the better part of our conversation laughing about various things, and Mike was in very good spirits. I think one of the highlights of his day, aside from getting outside and around more, was that his appetite is coming back. He was very proud to tell us that not only did he eat some pizza, but that he ate FOUR pieces! Normally, we wouldn't blink an eye at that, but given the fact that he's been eating nothing but jello and sherbet (and yesterday morning, a small bowl of cheerios), that was pretty remarkable.

We talked to him for quite a while, probably at least 30 minutes, until the Respiratory Therapist arrived to administer a breathing treatment. We said good night, and as we hung up the phone, were reveling in how good he sounded. As I said yesterday morning, he sounds MUCH less congested (breathing treatments are certainly helping!) and is starting to sound more and more like his old self. He still has a long recovery, but every day, we've heard him progress.

Per my email, Mike will be released from the hospital today. We don't have a clear idea of what time, or any further details, but I will post them here as soon as we know more.

Love & Blessings,

29 May 2009

Mikey update - Fri 5/29 12:01pm PST

Just a brief update...Mike is outside! In talking to him this morning, he said he was supposed to try and go for a walk today. Albeit, it would be with a walker, but it was still something new. The only information is that he is outside now...not sure if that's in a wheelchair or with a walker, but he's left the hospital for the first time since Saturday. Once I get clarification on his "activities", I'll post here.

Love & Blessings,

Mikey update - Fri 5/29 8:39am PST

Just got an update from Mike's sister Jenny:

Hi, Everybody! This is Mike's sister, Jenny. I've been in the hospital with Mike now for about 24 hours and wanted to send an update.

His Respiratory Therapist came in this morning and his pulse oxygen is 97, which is great! They're going to talk about lowering his oxygen intake later.

Dr. Shawner came in and looked at his hematoma this morning. He said it "looks good." I don't think so...ha ha! But, if the doctor says so...Anyway, he wants to put Mike on mini-doses of blood thinners to prevent blood clots. He's going to talk to the doctors in orthopedics to make sure it's okay with them.

Finally, his blood count is up from 9.1 to 9.4, which they said is still low; but not low enough for more blood yet! So, that's good too.

The physical therapist popped in and is planning on having him walk more today. I'll keep you posted on that.

Oh...and Nicole and I finally teamed up and made him eat last night...she had him on the phone and I forced it down his throat. Ha! He just had some jello and sherbert, but it was better than nothing.

This morning he woke up with a great appetite. He had the world's smallest bowl of cheerios (darn hospitals!) and then half a Portillo's chicken sandwich (thanks again, Bob and Bill from Safeway!).

That's all for now! Every nurse that comes in here comments on how decorated Mike's room is with stuff that you all have sent. Thanks so much for everything!!!!


I will also add that I just talked to him as well. He answered the phone, and for the first time, he sounded like the Mike I know. He was in very good spirits, and feeling a lot better today. He basically told me everything that is in Jenny's update. As I was talking to him, the nurses came in to get him cleaned up, so our call was cut a little short, but we did get a good 10 minutes in. I must say, it was fantastic to hear the "old Mike" on the phone. He sounded MUCH less congested than he has in the past few days, and he said he was able to "cough up some good stuff" this morning, which is great.

I will talk to him again later today, as will Pat, and we'll post updates as we get them.

As I keep saying...keep sending the good thoughts his way....THEY ARE WORKING!

Love & Blessings,

28 May 2009

Mikey update - Thu 5/28 4:24pm PST

Mike is doing better today. He has had a great deal of attention from the hospital staff. He got his hair washed, and a sponge bath. He continues to work on his breathing and he is also getting additional oxygen because his O2 levels are a bit low. This is primarily due to the fact that he tends to take shallow breaths with the broken ribs and the swelling from the hematoma.

As I mentioned in my previous post, Mike also got to tour the halls in a wheelchair today. This is the first time he has seen the hospital without staring up at the ceiling.

His release date is still TBD. The physical therapy is expected to get more aggressive tomorrow morning.

Keep the positive vibes headed in his direction!
Love & Blessings,

Mikey update - Thu 5/28 3:47pm PST

Pat just had a quick chat with Mike...unfortunately it didn't last too long, as Mike needed to get a breathing treatment. But, during the time they did talk, Pat said he was in really good spirits. I forgot to mention in my earlier post (which Pat just reminded me), Mike did get into a wheelchair today, and had a little "spin" around the hospital floor. He said it was nice to get out of the room.

We'll give him a call later today, and will post any new information/updates here.

Love & Blessings,

Mikey update - Thu 5/28 1:59pm PST

I just had a nice long chat with Mike. The longest I've talked to him yet. He was very coherent, but still groggy. He's been sitting in a chair most of the day today, and although it's nice to be out of bed, it's still a struggle to get there...it takes at least 2 people. He said he's feeling "ok", and his hand is very swollen and hurts today after his surgery yesterday. His ribs are hurting pretty bad today as well, especially in the mornings when he wakes up very congested and has to cough before he is able to take any medication. His leg wasn't bothering him too much today, which is good!

He has had a lot of visitors already today, some of whom brought him Portillo's! He was so happy for the nice change from the yucky hospital food. He is still on oxygen, and still doing regular breathing treatments to help the congestion and clear the fluid out of his lungs. He did get cleaned up a bit more today too, including washing a little bit of his hair.

I must say, this was by far the best conversation I've had with him yet. We talked for quite some time, and we laughed many, many times. It was really, really nice.

I will be talking to him later today, and will post any updates I have then!

Love & Blessings,

Mikey update - Thu 5/28 1:08pm PST

Just talked to Mike for about 3 seconds....he was just about to get cleaned up, so he asked that I call back in about 45 minutes. But, he did answer the phone, so that's a good sign! He sounded coherent, but very congested. I'll post another update after I talk to him in a bit.

Love & Blessings,

Mikey update - Thu 5/28 10:06am PST

Just a quick note on visiting Mike today....he is up for visitors, but he is getting a lot of "attention" today (i.e. PT, clean up, breathing exercises, etc), so if anyone is planning to visit, just be prepared that you may have to wait, if he is having a treatment or other activity.

Mikey update - Thu 5/28 8:55am PST

Mike is feeling much better today, though he has a long road to recovery ahead of him. The block on his arm has worn off, so he has a good deal of pain there this morning. [Note: I am interpreting "block" here to mean a nerve block/anesthetic which is very common during/after surgery.] The doctors & nurses will begin weaning Mike off of the morphine today, and on to other pain relief (via pill).

The Physical Therapy (PT) phase begins today. He is currently sitting in the lazy boy chair in the room, and later today, it is expected that he will get in a wheel chair. He will also be learning how to get to the bathroom, etc.

He is also doing some breathing exercises every 6 hours to help him get some of the fluids out of his lungs, and to help with the rib pain. He might even get his hair washed today!

Will continue to post updates here throughout the day, and email anything "major".

Love & Blessings,

27 May 2009

Mikey update - Wed 5/27 5:07pm PST

Friends & Family,

Mike is out of the operating room. The surgery went just fine.

The doctor repaired the two tendons for the index finger and the tendon for his middle finger (it was 50% severed). Those two fingers will be immobilized for the next 4 weeks. He also got a pin in the last joint on his ring finger. Only the last joint on that finger will be splinted. This is all on his right hand.

The doctor also provided more details on his right leg. It is, specifically, a double break of the tibia, near the knee. Since it is so close to the knee, this is considered a knee break (but not a knee cap break). This break was very clean and all the bones were lined up, so this will not require any further work, other than the proper physical therapy. They will begin bending his right knee in about 4 weeks.

The doctor said that Mike will go home when the physical therapy gets him to the point of being able to make it to the bathroom and the kitchen.

Keep the good thoughts coming. They are working.

Love & Blessings,

Mikey update - Wed 5/27 2:41pm PST

The following is an update from Mike's Dad:

"Mike officially went into the OR at 3:47. The operating surgeon is Dr. Fister. I asked the nurse (Sheila) working in the Family Waiting Area what she knew about the doctor...she said 'I sent my brother to Dr Fister for his surgery...you have one of the best working on Mike.' Sheila has worked in this operating room for 10 years and meant it when she said that Mike is in excellent care."

Love & Blessings,

Mikey update - Wed 5/27 1:38pm PST

The latest on Mike...

He is in pre-op and it appears as if his hand operation will start promptly at 3:30pm CST. We are hoping to have results/update in a couple hours, but it may be longer. I will post anything I hear as soon as it makes it to me.

Love & Blessings,

Mikey update - Wed 5/27 10:51am PST

Just got off the phone with Mike. He's in good spirits, but his ribs are hurting him pretty bad today. From what we know, the ribs have likely started to heal, which is pretty painful, but at least they are healing, which is good news. He said his knee isn't too bad today, and his hand isn't too bad today either. He did stand up this morning, which wasn't too bad either, he said.

He was a little groggier this morning than he was last night, but nothing more than normal...just the meds. They were refilling his morphine drip when I was on the phone with him, so more meds are on their way!

He's ready for his surgery, but also thought he'd be very out of it afterwards, so he confirmed the wishes for no visitors this afternoon/evening. As soon as we get word on his surgery, I will post them here and send an email to all as well. Rest assured, I will get word out to everyone as soon as I hear from the family.

Love & Blessings,

Mikey update - Wed 5/27 9:07am PST

Just a quick note....no new updates, really...

One of our friends spoke with Mike this morning...just for about 2-3 minutes. He seemed in pretty good spirits, though groggy from the meds. He was aware that his blood count had gone up and that he was having surgery today. The impression she got is that he seemed very eager to go home...and really, who can blame him!

That's all...just wanted to share with everyone that we have first hand account that he is in good spirits this morning!

Love & Blessings,

Mikey update - Wed 5/27 8:31am PST

Good Morning All,

Mike had a good night. As I mentioned in my update last night, he received 2 more pints of blood, and slept well...until after 9am this morning. Very good that he is getting a good nights rest...that can be hard to do in a hospital! His blood count this morning is over 9, and as such, the surgery for his hand is "a go" and is scheduled for 3:30pm CST today. Mike's Dad spoke with the general trauma doctor this morning, and everything is good with regard to Mike's status.

The staff strongly recommends that no one visit this afternoon or evening. He will likely not be back in his room following his surgery until 7 or 8pm CST and he will be really "out of it" until the anesthesia wears off. Tomorrow will be a better day for visiting. Based on Mike's Dad's discussion with the doctor, Mike will likely be in the hospital for at least another 2 or 3 days.

Keep sending the good thoughts and prayers his way...they are certainly working.

I will talk with Mike later this morning and post any additional updates as I receive them throughout the day.

Love & Blessings,

26 May 2009

Mikey update - Tue 5/26 8:56pm PST

Just a brief update. Mike's hand surgery is scheduled for 3:30pm CST tomorrow. Please continue to keep him in your thoughts. I will, of course, post any information as it comes my way.

Love & Blessings,

Mikey update - Tue 5/26 6:34pm PST

Below is some corrected/updated information as provided to me by Dave (Mikey's dad):

"Correction on the blood level – it went up to 7.8 – he needs to get this up to about 9.0 to have the operation. FYI – the norm is around 11. The swelling and additional bruising is normal – we talked to the doctor a little while ago and got a much better explanation than the doctor this morning. That doctor downplayed the hematoma….We just read the cat scan reports and we feel a lot better about the information.

Another positive: Mike got cleaned up today and they took several of the initial bandages off for good. The bandages were covering relatively minor scrapes on his left hand and arm and on his left knee. He looks less like a mummy now.

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers – we really appreciate it!"

Mikey update - Tue 5/26 5:56pm PST

oh yeah, he got a sponge bath from a hot nurse today too ;)

Mikey update - Tue 5/26 5:47pm PST

Pat and I just got off the phone with Mike. He remains in good spirits today, and we shared quite a few laughs.

Earlier today, he was given 2 pints of blood due to the blood loss from his hematoma. The additional blood only made his hemoglobin level rise 2 points from 7.1 to 7.3. He is currently experiencing some swelling in his lower extremities, and they are all working to get the cause identified. The doctor has just ordered 2 additional pints of blood for Mike.

The hand surgery is tentatively scheduled for tomorrow morning, we think around 9am CST. This is dependent on whether or not Mike's hemoglobin level rises to at least 11 by that time. They will see the result of the additional blood, and take it from there.

His pain seems to be "under control", and by that I mean, he still hurts a whole lot, but he does have the morphine pump to help him self-regulate his medicine when he needs more. His ribs and his knee are the source of most of his pain. He sounded a little more "with it" this afternoon...but still very groggy. One positive note, he has been sleeping through the nights, despite the various alarms and beeps that occur around him all night, and the nurses that are constantly coming in to check his vitals. Last night he said he fell asleep around 10pm, and didn't wake up until 8am...very good, much needed rest.

We don't expect to hear anything further this evening, but of course if we do, we will pass it along. Once we have an update in the morning...on his blood counts, his surgery, etc...we will share.

In the meantime, keep thinking good thoughts and send your positive vibes his way!

Love & Blessings,
karin & pat

Mikey update - Tue 5/26 1:44pm PST

Just had a nice chat with Mike. He is in better spirits today than he has been all weekend. We laughed, and he seemed more "with it" today. Albeit, he's quote hopped up on morphine, but he sounded more "there" than he has the past few days.

He does have a steady stream of visitors and phone calls. I asked him if it was too tiring or if it was good, and he did say that although it is a bit tiring, it's very good to have the support. So...keep the visits and phone calls coming!

He's still just feeling "ok". He didn't talk too much about the pain today, which is an improvement from yesterday. He is a bit frustrated because of the delay in the hand surgery. Not because he was in a big rush to get his hand operated on, but because of the reason for the "delay of game". Apparently, he'd been asking the nurses, etc to check on his left side (with the big owie), because it was bleeding, and nobody seemed to think much of it. Then today, he had lost enough blood to require a CT scan to check for the internal bleeding, and thankfully, there was none. But the hematoma that is present, might have been spotted earlier, and that was a bit annoying to him.

He's tired, and his voice is a little scratchy (for a variety of reasons I'm sure), but all-in-all, he sounded good. He has visitors now, and is very blessed to have such good friends.

Now...I'm off to make cookies...so far, that has been his only request from san diego...a special cookie just for him...so off to make those and send his way.

Keep thinking good thoughts....

Love & Blessings,

Mikey update - Tue 5/26 11:17am PST

First, I posted the incorrect hospital number below. The correct number is 630.208.3000.

Update...nothing too much right now. He's getting a "wash down"...basically they're trying to get some of the gravel and blood out of his hair.

He is in good spirits.

Mikey update - Tue 5/26 9:51am PST

Now that I'm back in front of a computer, I'll be communicating any updates on Mike to you all as I get them. If there is anyone you'd like me to add to this distribution, please send me their email address. Here is what I know as of a few minutes ago:

This morning, as they were preparing him for surgery on his hand, they noted his blood count was low. They were concerned about internal bleeding, especially since he has a very large "owie" on his side. They did a CT scan to check all of his insides, and there was no indication of internal bleeding. They did find that he has a hematoma that is resulting in some blood loss, but the doctors feel his body will start absorbing it soon. He is being given blood now, and is in good spirits.

His hand surgery is postponed until tomorrow. He will be having his right index finger/hand repaired, as the tendon that controls his index finger was 80% severed. They will also be putting some pins in his right ring finger, as that was also broken.

I will do my best to get emails out, but to be sure that I'm not missing anyone, please do feel free to forward these on to anyone I might have missed. I will also be using my blog to post updates on his progress.

I will be in touch with "the room" throughout the day and upcoming days, so if anyone has any questions, or just wants to hear a "live voice update", please don't hesitate to give me a call at any time. I know we are far away, but we are keeping as close of a watch on him as we possibly can.

The link to my blog is: http://guitarley.blogspot.com/
Home phone (please use first, as we get no cell signal in our house): 858.240.7974
Karin's cell: 858.243.6628

For anyone that doesn't have it, here is the hospital information:

Delnor Hospital
300 Randall Road
Geneva, IL 60134

UPDATED NUMBER: 630.208.3000

Mike's room number is 2657. We've talked to him several times, and is usually up for a chat. If he's not, he'll let you know :) There is almost always someone in the room, so if he is unable to answer, someone usually will.

Your continued thoughts and prayers are welcomed. It's going to be a long road, but I am confident with all our prayers and blessings, he'll be on the mend before we know it!