11 September 2008

death magnetic

it's finally here! four long years, we fans have waited for this day. at 12:01am in some time zone, i got my download of the new metallica album. many would ask 'did i immediately listen to it?' and surprisingly, the answer is no. why? because i had to work.

no, that's not the reason. well, it is, sort of. i wanted to devote my full attention to listening. and so, when the work day was done, i did just that. granted, i only made it through 8 of the 10 songs, interrupted only by the fact that i have my guitar lesson tonight.

off to enjoy the final two...

and one final note on the matter, for my fellow horsemen fans out there... the 3rd installment of unforgiven is waaaaay better than the 2nd...might even venture to say it ranks right up there with the 1st...

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