29 May 2009

Mikey update - Fri 5/29 8:39am PST

Just got an update from Mike's sister Jenny:

Hi, Everybody! This is Mike's sister, Jenny. I've been in the hospital with Mike now for about 24 hours and wanted to send an update.

His Respiratory Therapist came in this morning and his pulse oxygen is 97, which is great! They're going to talk about lowering his oxygen intake later.

Dr. Shawner came in and looked at his hematoma this morning. He said it "looks good." I don't think so...ha ha! But, if the doctor says so...Anyway, he wants to put Mike on mini-doses of blood thinners to prevent blood clots. He's going to talk to the doctors in orthopedics to make sure it's okay with them.

Finally, his blood count is up from 9.1 to 9.4, which they said is still low; but not low enough for more blood yet! So, that's good too.

The physical therapist popped in and is planning on having him walk more today. I'll keep you posted on that.

Oh...and Nicole and I finally teamed up and made him eat last night...she had him on the phone and I forced it down his throat. Ha! He just had some jello and sherbert, but it was better than nothing.

This morning he woke up with a great appetite. He had the world's smallest bowl of cheerios (darn hospitals!) and then half a Portillo's chicken sandwich (thanks again, Bob and Bill from Safeway!).

That's all for now! Every nurse that comes in here comments on how decorated Mike's room is with stuff that you all have sent. Thanks so much for everything!!!!


I will also add that I just talked to him as well. He answered the phone, and for the first time, he sounded like the Mike I know. He was in very good spirits, and feeling a lot better today. He basically told me everything that is in Jenny's update. As I was talking to him, the nurses came in to get him cleaned up, so our call was cut a little short, but we did get a good 10 minutes in. I must say, it was fantastic to hear the "old Mike" on the phone. He sounded MUCH less congested than he has in the past few days, and he said he was able to "cough up some good stuff" this morning, which is great.

I will talk to him again later today, as will Pat, and we'll post updates as we get them.

As I keep saying...keep sending the good thoughts his way....THEY ARE WORKING!

Love & Blessings,

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