28 May 2009

Mikey update - Thu 5/28 8:55am PST

Mike is feeling much better today, though he has a long road to recovery ahead of him. The block on his arm has worn off, so he has a good deal of pain there this morning. [Note: I am interpreting "block" here to mean a nerve block/anesthetic which is very common during/after surgery.] The doctors & nurses will begin weaning Mike off of the morphine today, and on to other pain relief (via pill).

The Physical Therapy (PT) phase begins today. He is currently sitting in the lazy boy chair in the room, and later today, it is expected that he will get in a wheel chair. He will also be learning how to get to the bathroom, etc.

He is also doing some breathing exercises every 6 hours to help him get some of the fluids out of his lungs, and to help with the rib pain. He might even get his hair washed today!

Will continue to post updates here throughout the day, and email anything "major".

Love & Blessings,

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