26 May 2009

Mikey update - Tue 5/26 5:47pm PST

Pat and I just got off the phone with Mike. He remains in good spirits today, and we shared quite a few laughs.

Earlier today, he was given 2 pints of blood due to the blood loss from his hematoma. The additional blood only made his hemoglobin level rise 2 points from 7.1 to 7.3. He is currently experiencing some swelling in his lower extremities, and they are all working to get the cause identified. The doctor has just ordered 2 additional pints of blood for Mike.

The hand surgery is tentatively scheduled for tomorrow morning, we think around 9am CST. This is dependent on whether or not Mike's hemoglobin level rises to at least 11 by that time. They will see the result of the additional blood, and take it from there.

His pain seems to be "under control", and by that I mean, he still hurts a whole lot, but he does have the morphine pump to help him self-regulate his medicine when he needs more. His ribs and his knee are the source of most of his pain. He sounded a little more "with it" this afternoon...but still very groggy. One positive note, he has been sleeping through the nights, despite the various alarms and beeps that occur around him all night, and the nurses that are constantly coming in to check his vitals. Last night he said he fell asleep around 10pm, and didn't wake up until 8am...very good, much needed rest.

We don't expect to hear anything further this evening, but of course if we do, we will pass it along. Once we have an update in the morning...on his blood counts, his surgery, etc...we will share.

In the meantime, keep thinking good thoughts and send your positive vibes his way!

Love & Blessings,
karin & pat

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