28 May 2009

Mikey update - Thu 5/28 1:59pm PST

I just had a nice long chat with Mike. The longest I've talked to him yet. He was very coherent, but still groggy. He's been sitting in a chair most of the day today, and although it's nice to be out of bed, it's still a struggle to get there...it takes at least 2 people. He said he's feeling "ok", and his hand is very swollen and hurts today after his surgery yesterday. His ribs are hurting pretty bad today as well, especially in the mornings when he wakes up very congested and has to cough before he is able to take any medication. His leg wasn't bothering him too much today, which is good!

He has had a lot of visitors already today, some of whom brought him Portillo's! He was so happy for the nice change from the yucky hospital food. He is still on oxygen, and still doing regular breathing treatments to help the congestion and clear the fluid out of his lungs. He did get cleaned up a bit more today too, including washing a little bit of his hair.

I must say, this was by far the best conversation I've had with him yet. We talked for quite some time, and we laughed many, many times. It was really, really nice.

I will be talking to him later today, and will post any updates I have then!

Love & Blessings,

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